Sunday, April 24, 2011

Share the Love

Many of the good things in life can be acquired, like the vanilla or the movie, given enough hard work and a little bit of luck. But the truly great things come at no cost and can be found, like the butterfly in All Quiet On The Western Front even in the bleakest of moments.

Now, I'm trying to dodge a bee that has wandered into my house this Easter afternoon. Yes, it might sting me, but even so I'll have my daughters lovely egg above to cheer me up. She painted it a few days ago up at a local retirement home with our 4h group.

I could have mountains of stuff, but the moments watching my kids paint eggs for
the seniors, grins as big in wrinkles, now that was pure. So in our house today we celebrate the rebirth. Young faces, old faces, everyone who has made it through one more winter together, cheer! And hug a senior! Their is nothing like the pleasure in their faces when they know we appreciate all they things they have done for us.

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