
Here I'm posting snippets of writing. Poems, blurbs, hanging chads, this page is for all those foundlings to finally have a home.

Book Blurb - Yes I am working on a book, and while it is not finished yet, this is my first foray into the back cover blurb. I expect to make changes as my writing progresses, so I'll add a date each time I revise. If you are inclined please tell me what you think. Feed back makes me a better writer. Thanks!

1st Draft - 9 Jan 2012

Harding Fensway’s life has been going nowhere fast. He’s been kicked out of school, he’s addicted to technology and he’s got no plan or motivation for his future. That’s all about to change. With his mom trying to start a new life, and his Dad an embattled and driven executive, Harding is being sent to learn about the real world on a hunt, a moose hunt. Dropped into the artic with a group of other boys and a less than forth coming guide, Harding must find his way through a twilight world packed with real dangers in every direction and no Internet. Even if he occasionally thinks he's ready to make a man of himself he’s pretty sure if the bears, wolves and other beasts don’t kill him the lack of cell signal probably will.